Sunday, June 5, 2011


WARNING: Following post may contain slightly weird and highly disturbing on at your own risk!

So - we're driving along to church this morning and I overhear a conversation Madson and West are having and tune in because I was sure I wasn't hearing right - but Madson was telling West that he couldn't breathe properly because something was stuck in his nose and he need the 'booger-pickers' to get it out. !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! So I asked Madson what the 'booger-pickers' were and he says 'you know mum, those things you use to get the boogers out of our noses'. Ahhh - the penny drops, and it is I - his mother - who has taught him the need/use/existence of such dreadful things as 'booger-pickers'!

See - I have a real thing for little kids and crusty boogers - especially in their tiny little noses where I and a tissue can't reach. So I may have been known on occassion, in the privacy of our own home, to get out a pair of tweesers and use them to clear out the offending items. I don't remember doing this for a very very long time now - the two boys at least are pretty good at being to blow hard enough to dislodge any gross stuff, and McKinley always seems to have a runny nose rather than a crusty one, or maybe with 3 I just don't notice such things any more, but I swear I haven't used the 'booger-pickers' for a LOOOONG time - hence the confusion when Madson used the term. Funny what things they remember and make names for (I have NEVER called tweesers 'booger-pickers'!!!!).

Needless to say when we got home after church today the 'tweesers' were employed in their secondary role and Madson can now breathe clearly again. :) Too much information????? I DID warn you!!!!! hehehehehhehe.
Just one of those funny moments we get to share with these little cherubs of ours...go on now, share an embarassing one of you own....hehehehhehehe.

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